Note: Registration for the AMC NH Winter Hiking Series opens August. 1, 2024

For over 20 years the New Hampshire Chapter has offered the Winter Hiking Series (WHS) and is pleased to do so again in 2024. The goal of this series is to provide you with the knowledge and training to safely hike the larger mountains of the Northeast during the winter months. The focus of this series is on winter day hikes in the mountains of the Northeast, especially those in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It is NOT a winter backpacking workshop. 

The WHS will be taught by experienced winter hikers and AMC Trip Leaders / Instructors; Larry Yetter, Wanda Rice, John Williams, Ann Boland, Lisa Hart, Tom Ickes, Bill Nesheim, and others.

 The WHS begins with a weekend in early November and continues with a series of four hikes ending in January. During that time participants will gain experience, confidence, and knowledge concerning aspects of appropriate gear, clothing, nutrition, and techniques for winter hiking.

 This course can be a life-changing opportunity. It provides you the training and experience to successfully and safely hike in winter. Along the way you'll pick up tips and techniques garnered from thousands of hikes in New Hampshire and around the world, and maybe make some new friends along the way.

2024 WHS Schedule

 Highland Center Opening weekend 11/08 to 11/10

Hike 1 - 11/23 or 11/24

Hike 2 - 12/7 or 12/8

Hike 3 - 12/21 or 12/22

Mt. Lincoln & Mt. Lafayette  - 1/4/25 or 1/5/25

The hike destinations will be chosen (and are subject to change based on weather conditions) in order to provide the best learning opportunities to the participants. 

Note that four hikes are scheduled for a Saturday with a bad weather date of Sunday.  Please keep both days available.


The ideal candidate for this series is someone who hikes at least once a month, has significant recent 3-season 4000 footer experience and has done at least 4 4000 footers in the current hiking season. Candidates should consistently work to maintain a fitness level needed for hiking 4000 footers, have familiarity with the White Mountains or their equivalent, and have the appropriate gear for 3-season hiking. Winter hiking is strenuous and we want you to be successful.  This is NOT for those who may be new to hiking or new to 4000 footers. 

Participants are expected to commit to the entire series, including all the hikes (barring unforeseen circumstances of course).  Please check your calendar to make sure that you do not have other commitments on the dates (or alternate dates) of all the hikes.

Winter Hiking Series Details

Who the series is for:  An ideal candidate for the series is someone who has been consistently hiking 4000 footers in recent years and has done at least 4 in the current hiking season.   

The course is $340 for AMC members and $360 for non members. This includes two nights lodging at Highland Center, two dinners, two breakfasts, one lunch and our book and other training materials. 

We will teach you the basics of safe winter travel and give you informed choices for winter gear. This program includes lectures on hiking gear, footwear, traction choices, other equipment, heat management, energy management, emergency preparedness, group safety, weather, and winter conditions. 

 The opening weekend at Highland Center begins Friday evening after a group dinner and includes a Saturday session with lectures and discussions as we show you the necessary equipment for later in the course. Sunday, we will have our first hike. 


 You are expected to have 3-season hiking gear and clothing appropriate for early November, including waterproof hiking boots, for the opening weekend hike. You will need to have microspikes on hand for the opening weekend hike. 

 We recommend that you do not buy gear or clothing in anticipation of the series until you have attended the lecture.  This will help you avoid buying gear that you need to upgrade.  That said, please be advised that the gear needed for this workshop can be very expensive! If you have little or no winter gear at present, this workshop can easily run you $1,500 or more in gear purchases! 

 If you have some winter gear and clothing already, (boots, snowshoes, larger pack etc.) please bring it to the first session. The instructors will be available to make an assessment of it in terms of its suitability for backcountry winter travel. 

Please complete the Registration Option below.  Note that you will be placed on a waitlist and you will be contacted by an Instructor to discuss the workshop to ensure it is a good fit for you.  After this conversation and only upon acceptance will your credit card be charged.  

PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT (hereafter 'Document') CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. All participants must sign this Document. For participants under 18 yrs. of age (hereafter sometimes ‘minor’ or ‘child’), parent/s or legal guardian/s (hereafter collectively ‘parent/s’) must also sign. In consideration of the services of the Appalachian Mountain Club, Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of Massachusetts, and its chapters, including all officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, independent contractors, volunteers (including leaders and co-leaders), members and all other persons or entities associated with it (collectively referred to in this Document as 'AMC'), I (participant and parent/s of a minor participant) acknowledge and agree as follows:

AMC volunteer-led educational and/or adventure activities may include, but are not limited to hiking, backpacking, camping, biking, skiing, maintenance of trails and facilities, mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, use of AMC huts or other facilities and transportation or travel to and from activities (referred to in this Document as 'activities' or 'these activities'). The leaders of these activities are volunteers. They are not paid professional guides or leaders. In all activities, all participants share in the responsibility for their own safety and the safety of the group.
Participants (and parents of minors) take responsibility for having appropriate skills, physical conditioning, equipment and supplies for these activities.

These activities include inherent and other risks, hazards and dangers (referred to in this Document as ‘risks’) that can cause or lead to injury, property damage, illness, mental or emotional trauma, paralysis, disability or death to participant or others. Some, but not all of these risks include:
hazardous and unpredictable ground, water or weather conditions; misjudgments made by leaders, co-leaders, participants or others; travel in remote areas that can cause potential delays or difficulties with transportation, evacuation and medical care; equipment that can fail or malfunction; infectious disease, including but not limited to COVID-19; the potential that the participant or others (e.g. co-participant, driver, medical and rescue personnel) may act carelessly or recklessly. I understand that AMC cannot assure participant's safety or eliminate any of these risks. Participant is voluntarily
participating with knowledge of the risks. Therefore, participant (and parent/s of minors) assume and accept full responsibility for the inherent and other risks (both known and unknown) of these activities, and for any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by participant, resulting from those risks, and/or resulting from participant’s negligence or other misconduct.

I (adult participant, and/or Parent/s for themselves and for and on behalf of their participating minor child) agree to release and not to sue AMC (as AMC is defined above) in regard to any and all claims, liabilities, suits, or expenses (including reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees) (hereafter collectively ‘claim’ or 'claim/s'), including claim/s resulting from AMC’s negligence (but not its gross negligence or intentional or reckless misconduct), for any injury, damage, death or other loss to me or my child, in any way connected with my or my child’s enrollment or participation in these activities, or my use of AMC equipment, facilities or premises. I understand I agree here to waive all claim/s I or my child may have against AMC, and agree that neither I, my child, or anyone acting on my or my child’s behalf, will make a claim against AMC.

I (participant and parent/s of a minor participant) agree that the substantive laws of Massachusetts govern this Document and all other aspects of my relationship with AMC, and that any mediation, suit, or other proceeding must be filed or entered into only in Massachusetts. This Document is intended
to be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent allowed by law. Any portion of this Document deemed unlawful or unenforceable shall not affect the remaining provisions, and those remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

MEMBERS, AND MY HEIRS, EXECUTORS, REPRESENTATIVES AND ESTATE. Parent/s must sign below, both in their capacity as a participant, and as Parent/s of any minor child identified below.
Cancellations before October 1 will receive a refund less a $10 handling fee. After that time a refund will only be issued if you can be replaced by a candidate on the waitlist.
All participants will be assigned to the same gender bunk rooms. Four and six person bunk rooms will be used.

If you would like to register another person, click "Add Registrant" button, otherwise continue to Billing Information.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software