Our class 1+2 leadership training has been modified to provide a combination of online meetings and a one day in-person hike to enable class1+2 leadership training in 2024.   You will work with our very experienced volunteer instructors in a small experiential learning group. All instructors are active trip leaders with NH chapter AMC.  Group will be  6-7 participants to 2 instructors so learning is experiential, fun, and focused for you.

The in person hike portion of the training will be conducted at Cardigan Lodge, 774 Shem Valley Road, Alexandria, NH. ON OCT 26 2024 FROM  8 :00 AM- 5:00 PM

There will be approximately 2 hours of online classes scheduled before your day in the woods and attendance is mandatory for the online class(es).

Schedule is as follows:

In person day OCT 26 2024 FROM  8 :00 AM- 5:00 PM

Online classes 7 pm to 9:00 pm on October 17th.

Choose the appropriate Registration option below based on your membership status.  Note that although it is shown as "wait list"  the class is not sold out.  An instructor will contact you to discuss the course before accepting you into the class.

You must be 18 or older to attend the workshop.  Age is used for statistical purposes only. 

  • For those who have good three-season hiking skills and wish to enhance them and/or wish to run trips of their own. Exercises will include planning, organizing, and conducting trips with an
    emphasis on leadership techniques such as group decision making, handling difficult behaviors, and group dynamics. Learn by doing through outside experiential methods. Also covered will be basic accident scene management, and an introduction to off-trail navigation. Plan to spend about 7 hours outside practicing leadership and compass skills. Online classes will be held from 7 pm to 9 pm on October 17th with the outdoor day on Oct 26 2024 and attendance is mandatory for each session. This course is a prerequisite for those who desire to become an
    AMC NH Chapter Volunteer Trip Leader. Class 1+2

  • For those who have good three-season hiking skills and wish to enhance them and/or wish to run trips of their own. Exercises will include planning, organizing, and conducting trips with an
    emphasis on leadership techniques such as group decision making, handling difficult behaviors, and group dynamics. Learn by doing through outside experiential methods. Also covered will be basic accident scene management, and an introduction to off-trail navigation. Plan to spend about 7 hours outside practicing leadership and compass skills. Online classes will be held from 7 pm to 9 pm on October 17th with the outdoor day on Oct 26 2024 and attendance is mandatory for each session. This course is a prerequisite for those who desire to become an
    AMC NH Chapter Volunteer Trip Leader. Class 1+2

Please check applicable statements below:

APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB VOLUNTEER LED ACTIVITIES COVID-19 WARNING & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISKS & RELEASE AGREEMENT Appalachian Mountain Club (“AMC”) is pleased to be able to reopen some of its operations in accordance with state regulations. In connection with re-opening, AMC is requiring all volunteers and participants to read the following warning and sign the liability waiver in order to be present at AMC activities. For participants under 18 years of age (hereafter sometimes ‘minor’ or ‘child’), parent/s or legal guardian/s (hereafter collectively ‘parent/s’) must also sign. COVID-19 Warning The World Health Organization has declared the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, as a worldwide pandemic. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, and in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations, AMC has put in place various preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Despite these measures and the best intentions of AMC, AMC cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19 as a result of participating in AMC activities. Further, participating in these activities could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19. Liability Waiver In consideration of the services of the Appalachian Mountain Club, Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of Massachusetts, and its chapters, including all officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, independent contractors, volunteers (including leaders and co-leaders), members and all other persons or entities associated with it (collectively referred to in this Document as 'AMC'), I (participant and parent/s of a minor participant) acknowledge and agree as follows: By signing this agreement, I (participant and parent/s of a minor participant) acknowledge that I have read the COVID-19 warning above, and understand the contagious nature of COVID-19. I voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in AMC activities and using any of its facilities or equipment. I understand the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 during AMC activities may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, AMC volunteers, leaders, and staff. AMC volunteer-led educational and/or adventure activities may include, but are not limited to hiking, backpacking, camping, biking, skiing, maintenance of trails and facilities, mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, use of AMC huts or other facilities and transportation or travel to and from activities (referred to in this Document as 'activities' or 'these activities'). The leaders of these activities are volunteers. They are not paid professional guides or leaders. In all activities, all participants share in the responsibility for their own safety and the safety of the group. Participants (and parents of minors) take responsibility for having appropriate skills, physical conditioning, equipment and supplies for these activities. These activities include inherent and other risks, hazards and dangers (referred to in this Document as ‘risks’) that can cause or lead to injury, property damage, illness, mental or emotional trauma, paralysis, disability or death to participant or others. Some, but not all of these risks include: hazardous and unpredictable ground, water or weather conditions; misjudgments made by leaders, co-leaders, participants or others; travel in remote areas that can cause potential delays or difficulties with transportation, evacuation and medical care; equipment that can fail or malfunction; the potential that the participant or others (e.g. co-participant, driver, medical and rescue personnel) may act carelessly or recklessly. I understand that AMC cannot assure participant's safety or eliminate any of these risks. Participant is voluntarily participating with knowledge of the risks. Therefore, participant (and parent/s of minors) assume and accept full responsibility for the inherent and other risks (both known and unknown) of these activities, and for any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by participant, resulting from those risks, and/or resulting from participant’s negligence or other misconduct. I (adult participant, and/or Parent/s for themselves and for and on behalf of their participating minor child) agree to release and not to sue AMC (as AMC is defined above) in regard to any and all claims, liabilities, suits, or expenses (including reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees) (hereafter collectively ‘claim’ or 'claim/s'), including claim/s resulting from AMC’s negligence (but not its gross negligence or intentional or reckless misconduct), for any injury, illness (including, but not limited to, COVID-19), damage, death or other loss to me or my child, in any way connected with my or my child’s enrollment or participation in these activities, or my use of AMC equipment, facilities or premises, whether such injury, illness, damage, or death shall occur before, during or after my or my child’s participation in these activities. I understand I agree here to waive all claim/s I or my child may have against AMC, and agree that neither I, my child, or anyone acting on my or my child’s behalf, will make a claim against AMC. I (participant and parent/s of a minor participant) agree that the substantive laws of Massachusetts govern this Document and all other aspects of my relationship with AMC, and that any mediation, suit, or other proceeding must be filed or entered into only in Massachusetts. This Document is intended to be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent allowed by law. Any portion of this Document deemed unlawful or unenforceable shall not affect the remaining provisions, and those remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. PARTICIPANT AND PARENT/S OF A MINOR PARTICIPANT AGREE: I HAVE CAREFULLY READ, UNDERSTAND AND VOLUNTARILY SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE AND BINDING UPON ME, MY MINOR CHILDREN AND OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS, AND MY HEIRS, EXECUTORS, REPRESENTATIVES AND ESTATE.
Cancellations prior to October 8, 2024 will receive a refund less a $10.00 handling charge. Cancellations on or after October 8, 2024 will not receive a refund.

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  • American Express
  • Discover
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